Friday, July 20, 2012


Welcome to my first post to my gardening blog. I am Shannon Rainwater (yes, that is my REAL last name)and I will be sharing with you my gardening skills that I will be experimenting with and using.
The goal is to spread the word on Organic Gardening according to me. I use only natural chemicals, raised beds, rainwater or self treated tap water, vermiculture or worm compost engineering, and alternate farming options. All of these will be explained much further in detail. I just have to write the posts first.
Also I will add somepages about Living right.
1. Physical connection
     a, eating at restaurants (ratings),
     b. recipies from the garden,
     c. recipies for occassions,
     d.  kitchen tools and their uses.
     e. exercise and running
     f. supplements and vitamins
2. Our Spiritual Connection
     a. Bible Verses
3. Home organization
4. More to come
Please feel free to comment and give suggestions. If there is something that you wanted to try out or heard about let me do the research for you and write about it.

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